Personalized Signature Tote
per item
In collaboration with Family Enterprise.... Take Art in the Loft wherever you go!
Featuring the perfect grab bag for some eco-friendly downtown shopping, farmers market adventures, book bag or beach tote. A must have to show your love for the arts!
This kit includes the following:
- Easy to follow visual step-by-step instructions
- All supplies needed to create 2 works of art to personalize your tote
- Signature Art in the Loft Tote Bag (15x15 canvas)
- Wooden Beads
- Embroidery Thread
- Large Silver Ring
- Medium Silver Ring
- Gloves
- Rubberbands
- Bottle Equipped With Tie Dye
Fun at any age!
This kit will be available for PICK UP starting Thursday July 15th! An email will follow after your purchase. Additional accommodations can be made for other pick-up options.
Cost: $30 per tote
(May require parental assistance)
*Purchase with two fun projects to personalize your signature carryall, or click "Gear" to purchase as is!